Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

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Leadership Opportunities at Davidson

Student leadership

Student leadership helps young people find their voices, participate in decision-making, and understand their rights and responsibilities as active citizens. It helps students have a real impact on their learning and school environment and prepares them to participate meaningfully in their community.

Students can be leaders in the classroom, through their actions in the playground, through their support for others, or their involvement in academic, sporting, cultural or local community events or projects.

For more information about opportunities in NSW public schools, visit Student voice and leadership.

At Davidson, leadership skills are valued and promoted through a range of programs:

  • Year 10 peer mentoring program: Year 10 students assist the transition of Year 7 to high school. 
  • Davidson High School's Student Representative Council (SRC) and School Councils co-ordinated by Year 12 - Sport, CAPA, Social Justice.
  • Senior leadership team: Year 12 students are ambassadors for the school and provide direction for school activities. 
  • leadership workshops for individual year groups. 
  • leadership links with primary school activities.