Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

Telephone02 9451 0022



Students learning music listen, perform and compose. They learn about the elements of music comprising rhythm, pitch, dynamics and expression, form and structure, timbre and texture. 

Music is compulsory in Years 7 and 8 and is offered as an elective for Years 9 to 12, including music 1, 2 and extension in the senior years.

Students also have the opportunity to perform in Season of Performing Arts (SOPA), School Spectacular, and regional music festivals. Various music ensembles are also offered to students at Davidson High School. 

Vocal ensembles

We offer two ensembles in vocals:

  • vocal ensemble (open to all students)
  • acapella (by audition or invitation)

Students perform mainly contemporary repertoire, including musical theatre. Students have the opportunity to perform at events such as the North Shore Schools Spectacular and Schools Spectacular. They have also performed at nursing homes and at various music evenings.

Band program

We have a successful, established band program at Davidson High School. Students in the band program have the opportunity to perform at the North Shore Schools Spectacular, Sydney Eisteddfod and Northern Sydney Symphonic Wind Ensemble (NSSWE) Spring Festival. In 2017 our concert band won the intermediate category of the Sydney Eisteddfod. There is also an annual band camp held at Camp Kedron.

Concert band

Concert band is open to all students, and we prefer students to have skills equivalent to Grade 3 or above, as well as having a private tutor. Concert band meets once a week for a 90 minute rehearsal on Tuesday afternoons. The band plays both traditional and more contemporary scores. Instruments are available for hire.

Stage band

Stage band is our higher level band that is accessed via audition or invitation. The band performs a range of jazz styles, and are taught the skills of improvisation in performance. Stage band meets once a week for a 90 minute rehearsal on Thursday afternoons.


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