Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

Telephone02 9451 0022


Food technology

Students will develop a broad knowledge and understanding of the properties, processing and preparation of food, as well as study nutrition, consumption patterns, the importance of hygiene and how to apply safe working practices in the production of food.

Years 9 and 10

The Australian food industry is growing in importance, providing numerous employment opportunities and increasing the relevance of food technology as an area of study. Our aim is to make the students aware of advances being made in this industry and become skilled in making wise food choices.

The student's practical skills are developed throughout the course to support them if they continue to study hospitality or food technology in Years 11 and 12. At Davidson High School, we have two kitchens which are both well equipped with commercial equipment.

Students engage in a range of practical and experimental work, including preparing food for food photography, food styling, developing new food products and analysing the nutritional composition of foods, such as meal replacement bars and electrolyte drinks. This is a 200-hour course.

Topics include:

  • food in Australia
  • food for health
  • food for special occasions
  • food service and catering
  • food for special needs
  • food product development.

Years 11 and 12

In Year 11 and 12, students will examine factors that influence availability and consumption patterns, investigate the preparation and safe handling of food and the functional properties of food to produce a quality product. 
Production and processing practices in the Australian context are examined and their impact evaluated. Opportunities exist for students to develop skills relating to food that are relevant and transferable to other settings. 
Students also develop their capability and competence to experiment with and prepare food and design, implement and evaluate solutions to a range of food situations.  
Topics include:
  • food availability and selection   
  • food quality
  • nutrition
  • the Australian food industry
  • food manufacturing
  • food product development
  • contemporary food issues: marketplace.