Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

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Religion and ethics

NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.

Write to the school if you wish to withdraw your child from special religious education, sometimes known as scripture. Special education in ethics is an option for your primary-age child if you withdraw them from special religious education. For more information, visit Religion and ethics or Special Religious Education Procedures.

At Davidson High School, Special Religious Education (SRE) is delivered every Monday.  On enrolment parents/caregivers will be given the SRE participation letter to complete and return.  After the initial enrolment, notification of changes to a child's enrolment in SRE should be given to the school office, in writing.

Christian SRE is provided by SRE teachers from different Christian denominations and churches.  The approved providers in this combined arrangement are:

  • Anglican Diocese of Sydney
  • Baptist Union of NSW
  • C3 Church NSW (Oxford Falls)
  • Churches of Christ
  • Cityview Church Inc.
  • Forest Alliance Church
  • Uniting Church in Australia (NSW Synod)

All Christian SRE teachers are authorised and trained by their approved provider. 

The Christian SRE curriculum is cross-authorised by FACE (Forest Association of Christian Education) under a combined arrangement.  The curriculum is based on Good News about Jesus Christ and learning the key elements of the Christian life and culture and can be found via the link at https://face.org.au/teaching.  Christian SRE engages students in conversations as they question life, explore values and discover faith.

Catholic SRE teachers (also known as Catechists) are authorised by the local parish and trained by the Diocese of the Catholic Church (Broken Bay).

The Catholic SRE curriculum is approved by the Bishop of the Diocese in liaison with religious education experts.  Lessons provide students with the opportunity to critically explore in depth their faith and to pray and reflect.  For more information about the Catholic SRE curriculum go to www.bbcatholic.org.au/CCD.