Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

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Years 11 to 12

In Years 11 and 12 students can select personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) or sport lifestyle and recreation as two-unit subjects for their HSC (Higher School Certificate). 

Health and Movement Science

(formally Personal Development, Health and Physical Education - PDHPE)

  • Preliminary course core modules include the body in motion and better health for individuals. Option modules are first aid, fitness choices, outdoor recreation, composition and performance.
  • HSC course core modules include health priorities in Australia, factors affecting performance. Option modules are the health of young people, sport and physical activity in Australian society, improving performance, equity and health.

Sport Lifestyle and Recreation

  • Modules are selected from aquatics, athletics, dance, first aid and sports injuries, fitness, games and sports applications 1 and 2, gymnastics, health lifestyle, individual games and sports applications, outdoor recreation, resistance training, social perspectives of games and sports, sports administration, sports coaching and training.

Practice homework

  • A variety of activities from the text book or other resource supplied by the teacher to support and/or extend the work in class.

Preparatory homework

Read the textbook or other resource on the topic being studied in class.

To prepare for future exams, it is recommended that students:

  • read their class notes and summarise the key points made in class
  • complete any classwork and paste in any worksheets as required.