Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

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Year 7 EDGE Class

Year 7 EDGE Class  

The purpose of the EDGE 7 class is to provide an academically challenging program of learning. Students engage in critical and creative thinking activities and advanced learning pathways to enhance talent development. Students are supported to move from high potential to ultimately high achievement through deliberate adjustments to their learning program and groupings are made to meet the specific learning needs of students.

Applications for the 2026 Year 7 HGPE Class at Davidson High School are now open.

All students are eligible to apply for the class, although the class will be primarily determined through achievement in the domains of literacy and numeracy. A high level of motivation and commitment to their own learning are also required for student success in this class.  

Students will submit an application and supporting documentation which will be used to determine placement in the class. (See link at the bottom of this page)

About the Test

The test targets literacy and numeracy skills of students and includes problem solving activities and an extended writing task. The test is generated, administered and marked externally. 

Where do I sit the test?

Students should sit the test at their local school. 

If you are applying for the HPGE classes at Killarney Heights High School or Forest High School, but Davidson is your local school, sit the test at Davidson. Complete the Davidson High School application form (see link at the bottom of this page) to ensure the results of the test are sent to the correct school.

If you are applying for the EDGE 7 class but are sitting the exam at either Killarney Heights or Forest High School, please contact the schools check their process for sharing the test results and complete the attached application form (see link at the bottom of this page). 

If you do not live in one of the local areas for the high schools mentioned above and you will be applying to Davidson High School for 2026, you should sit the exam at Davidson High School.


Edge 7 Application Form

Parent Information Letter

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