Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

Telephone02 9451 0022




NAPLAN - Year 7 and Year 9


As a BYOD school, students will be using their own device to do NAPLAN. Their device will need to meet the required specifications and they will need to have the current version of the locked down browser downloaded. If they already have a NAPLAN locked down browser on their device from a previous year, they will need to delete it and download the current version.


 Parent/Carers Information:


Lockdown Browsers:


Device requirements:




Wednesday 13 March - Writing

Friday 15 March - Reading

Monday 18 March - Language

Wednesday 20 March - Numeracy

Students who miss tests will have the opportunity to catch up, either during a test for the other year group (eg a Year 7 student who misses a test can catch up during a Year 9 session) or on Thursday 21 March and Friday 22 March.

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