Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

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Human society and its environment

Faculty staff

Mr J Boyle (Header Teacher)

Mrs B Fenech

Ms C Flynn (Monday, Tuesday, Friday) 

Ms C Lowe (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Mr D Rule (principal)

Ms K Suttling (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)

Ms N Cregan

Mr M Arrowsmith

Mr B Devenyi-Botos

Teneille Biasetto (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

Lyndal Howison (Monday, Thursday, Friday)



HSIE offers a range of challenging and diverse courses, both mandatory and elective from years 7 to 12 at Davidson High School. All students have the opportunity to move into the extension class in Year 10 based upon their levels of achievement, motivation and interest in the subjects.

Years 7 and 8

All students explore both ancient and medieval societies in the history course with an emphasis on skills such as the use and analysis of sources and the ability to identify different perspectives and understandings of the past. 

Across the two years of geography all students are introduced to the nature of geography and global environments where students explore our role as global citizens. They begin to develop skills involving mapping, scales, distances and graph analysis. 

Year 7 students will study two main topics in geography as well as learning a range of geographical skills. Topics for study are investigating the world and global environments.

Students continue to alternate between history and geography each semester in Year 8. 

Students will study three main topics in history including: medieval  Europe, contact and colonisation: the Americas, and Japan and the shoguns. In geography, two main topics will be studied including: global change and global issues and the role of citizenship. 

Years 9 and 10

Davidson offers several elective courses in Years 9 and 10. Students have the option to choose elective history and geography as well as commerce. Both the history and geography courses move away from the compulsory Australian topics and allow both students and staff to explore areas of interest to them with a very broad framework. 

Commerce explores a range of topics that bring students into contact with terms such as finances, management, business and budgeting as well as providing students with the opportunity to enter the stock exchange game.

Years 11 and 12

Students have the opportunity to elect to do any of seven courses offered in the senior school in the HSIE faculty which include: ancient history, business studies, economics, extension history, legal studies, modern history, society and culture. More can be found about these courses by looking at the board of studies website.