Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

Telephone02 9451 0022


Responsible Behaviour Policy

Positive Education

Responsible Behaviour Policy


Davidson is an inclusive community school, committed to fostering strong, trusting and positive connections between students, staff and parents. Our aim is to develop confident, independent and resilient young people who are equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in all aspects of their life.  We believe a collaborative approach to learning in the classroom will support and develop a range of skills for learning and inspire students to strive for excellence. Our staff reflect upon their practice and build their capacity to deliver quality teaching that grows student achievement.

Our Values

Courage, Confidence and Compassion


  • Persevere and challenge yourself
  • Be curious and willing to make mistakes
  • Have high expectations
  • Act with integrity

Character Strengths - Creativity, Perseverance, Love of Learning, Curiosity, Brave, Self Regulation


  • Be honest, fair and accountable
  • Develop resilience
  • Show zest and enthusiasm for all opportunities

Character Strengths - Honesty, Teamwork, Leadership, Fairness, Judgement, Zest, Humility, Hope, Spirituality


  • Be empathetic and forgiving
  • Make wise decisions
  • Show gratitude
  • Respect your community and environment

Character Strengths - Love, Kindness, Social Intelligence, Perspective, Prudence, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Humour, Appreciation of beauty and excellence.

Our Goal

At Davidson High School, we use Positive Education as our framework with a focus on restorative principles and practices. Positive relationships and respect between teachers and students are essential in creating a productive and harmonious learning environment. We believe that through the fostering of self-regulation inherent within the character strengths of Positive Education, students are provided with the tools to moderate their own behaviour and aspire to high expectations. We believe that all students have the potential to achieve and to moderate their own behaviour, and we will guide them in this practise.