Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

Telephone02 9451 0022


Years 7 to 10

In Years 7 to 10, students participate in a number of team and individual activities. They also learn about a number of health and personal development topics.

Students participate in cricket, softball, baseball, basketball volleyball, soccer, touch football (Oz Tag), football, netball, tag gridiron, sofcrosse, badminton, paddle tennis, callisthenics/aerobics, pilates, personal fitness, cross country, athletics, social dance, golf. 

They also participate in the premiers sporting challenge. Students learn about a number of health and personal development topics including factors that affect health, risk-taking, relationships, managing puberty, healthy consumerism, drug use and abuse, perceptions of the media, self-image, sexual health matters, mental health, personal safety, road safety.

Year 7

  • Topics include fitness for life, fairplay and sporting etiquette, holistic health, puberty blues, social dance, inspiring individuals and personal safety.
  • Gala sports day: competition against state schools in the Middle Harbour area in a variety of sports. 
  • Swim school: the swim school teaches swimming safety in a fun environment to Year 7, with Year 9 and 10 swim instructors providing support. Participants will attend 3 sessions in Term 4 to develop water survival skills.

Year 8

  • Topics include fitness for life, healthy lifestyle choices, relationships, social dance, pregnancy and childbirth, risk taking, affirming diversity: discrimination, racism, sexism, ageism.

Year 8, 9 and 10 Sport


Year 8, 9 and 10 participate in a recreational sport of their choice such as surfing, rock climbing, weight training, 10-pin bowling, kayaking and tennis. In Terms 2 and 3, students try out for grade sport teams and play against other local schools in touch football, volleyball, basketball, netball and soccer.

Students not involved in grade teams participate in free or paid sports such as bushwalking, tennis, fitness training and team sports. Students participate in one more session of Moose league or recreational sports to conclude the year of sport during Term 4.

Year 9 

  • Topics include young people's health, alcohol use and abuse, drug use, intimate relationships, respectful relationships, cyber safety, anxiety and depression.

Year 10 

  • Topics include fitness for life, on the road, bouncing back: mental health, resilience, illicit drug use, social dance, sexual health, challenges and opportunity.

Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS)

Students can elect Physical Activity and Sports Studies (PASS) as an elective in Years 9 and 10. This course provide students will an opportunity to participate in a range of recreational sports and outdoor activities as well as provide opportunities to enter these fields as a future career.

Topics studied may include:

  • individual and team sports (golf, basketball, tennis and badminton)
  • surf/beach safety;  surfing skills, aerobic and strength training;
  • outdoor recreational sports (rock climbing, kayaking)
  • body systems and energy for physical activity
  • nutrition and physical activity
  • participating with safety
  • Australia's sporting identity
  • physical activity and sport for specific groups
  • opportunities and pathways in physical activity and sport
  • issues in physical activity and sport
  • promoting active lifestyles;
  • coaching
  • enhancing performance (strategies and techniques)
  •  technology
  • participation and performance
  • event management

Practical homework

Exercising outside of school hours, aiming for 3 times per week for at least half an hour. We encourage students to work on their aerobic capacity particularly during our fitness for life unit which runs throughout every year group and correlates with our cross country training.

Preparatory homework

Read the textbook or other resource on the topic being studied in class and complete any homework set in lessons. To prepare for future exams, it is recommended that students:

  • read their class notes and summarise the key points made in the class.
  • complete any class work and paste in any worksheets as required.
  • understand the key glossary terms used in PDHPE lessons.