Davidson High School

Academic, creative, innovative, sustainable

Telephone02 9451 0022


Years 7 to 10

In the science faculty we aim to engage and challenge all students to maximise their talents and capabilities for lifelong learning of science. 

Year 7 topics

  • working safely in the science laboratory
  • mixtures and separation method
  • particles of matter
  • forces
  • life forms and classification
  • the solar system

Year 8 topics

  • living world: cells, systems and human health
  • physical world: energy
  • chemical world: elements, compounds and chemical change
  • earth and space: rocks, minerals and earth's structure
  • livingwall: human health

Validation of Assessment for Learning and Individual Development (VALID)

Validation of Assesssment for Learning and Individual Development (VALID) is a mandatory science assessment program for Year 8 students that provides information about knowledge, skills, values and attitudes of our secondary students. The VALID test is an interactive multimedia assessment.

Year 9 topics

  • physical world: energy and waves
  • living world: co-ordination of systems and disease
  • living world: ecosystems and sustainability
  • chemical world: atoms and the periodic table
  • earth and space: universe

Year 10 topics

  • earth and space: plate tectonics and global issues
  • chemical world: reactions and products
  • physical world: project-based learning motion
  • living world: evolution and genetics
  • physical world: energy, electricity and efficiency

Practice homework

A variety of activities from the STILE application based on real-world issues to support and/or extend the work in class.

Preparatory homework

Using the interactive STILE application on the topic being studied in class. To prepare for future exams, it is recommended that students:

  • read their class notes and summarise the key points made in the class
  • complete any class work and paste in any worksheets as required
  • practise spelling of scientific words and learn their meanings.


All year groups will complete formal assessment tasks in science. Each task will differ in format and cover a range of outcomes and skills in science.

Students will receive notification of the task date and format to be able to prepare effectively at home. If students do not hand tasks in on time and without appropriate written reason they will lose 5% of their marks a day for 5 days after which a student will receive 0.

It is expected that students will discuss with their teacher before the hand in date if extra time is needed, otherwise this will be considered as failing to hand in a task.

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